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31 MAR. 1999 by: klocow "Playing EverQuest"

Playing this cool game called "everquest" lately, it's very fun

MMORPG by Daybreak, very don't known studio, anyway, i like it, i love that i can connect to people all around the world

and kill some monsters, very cool thing! go check it out, it's paid but hey, like my grandpa says "za darmo w morde wala"

(eng. "for free, you can be punched in the face" in polish it has more sense)

They are going to expand it with expansions! can't wait to be honest :-D

anyway, hope ya' know what day it is tommorow!

27 MAR. 1999 by: klocow "First Blog post"

Welcome to First Blog Post, it's made few hours before official launch of website! When i wrie this

there is no GuestBook, News, Contact and Links page, there is no flash game/animation realesed yet and there is no

other klocow stuff lore now, just few pages and sadness of song, just kidding, hope you have a good day